On Wimmin’s Land, Places Journal, April 2021
An illustrated history of the 1970s separatist lesbian community in rural Southern Oregon.
Featured in roundups by The Browser, Lapham's Quarterly, Ann Friedman, and The Rumpus. I gave a public talk about the writing of the essay at the University of Oregon in October 2022, with co-presenters Linda Long, Carol Newhouse, Rae Root, and Carmen Winant.
Featured in roundups by The Browser, Lapham's Quarterly, Ann Friedman, and The Rumpus. I gave a public talk about the writing of the essay at the University of Oregon in October 2022, with co-presenters Linda Long, Carol Newhouse, Rae Root, and Carmen Winant.

photo Ruth Moutaingrove; Special Collections & Archives, University of Oregon Libraries via Oregon Digital