As a contributing editor at The Public Domain Review, I write short essays about books and images in the public domain.
True Crime: Allan Pinkerton’s Thirty Years a Detective (1884), December 2024.

“Light from the Darkness”: Paul Nash’s Genesis (1924), November 2024.

Vanity of Vanities: Fool’s Cap Map of the World (ca. 1585), co-authored with Hunter Dukes, October 2024.

The Lens of Desire: Eye Miniatures (ca. 1790–1810), June 2024.

A Family Tree: Hippolyte Hodeau’s Trench Art (ca. 1917), co-authored with Hunter Dukes, March 2024.

Lithographs from Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn’s Java Album (1854), February 2024.

Books Fatal to Their Authors (1895), January 2024.

The Landlord’s Game: Lizzie Magie and Monopoly’s Anti-Capitalist Origins (1903), December 2023.

Your Flannelette Cure: Fire Tests with Textiles (1910), October 2023.

Käthe Kollwitz’s Peasants’ War Series (ca. 1901-1908), October 2023.

The “Madame B Album” (ca. 1870s), September 2023.

In the Mind of Marie: A Haunting Encounter at the Gardens of Versailles (1913), about the Moberly-Jourdain incident, June 2023.

Eyewitness Accounts of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, May 2023.

“Though Silent, I Speak”: A Book of Sundial Mottoes (1903), April 2023.

C. P. Cranch’s “Transparent Eyeball” and other Emerson Illustrations, April 2023.

Fraktur Folk Art (ca. 1750-1820), March 2023.

Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographic Maps & Charts (1887/93), February 2023.

The Tanzmasken of Lavinia Shulz & Walter Holdt (ca. 1924), November 2022.

The Blood Collages of John Bingley Garland (ca. 1850-60), September 2022.