2024 Good Bye to All That: The Origins of Lesbian Separatism, at the Lesbian Lands symposium on at the Université de Lille.

2024 The 1960s Politicos who Founded Wimmin’s Land, at the annual conference of the Western Association of Women Historians, on a panel with Cassandre Di Lauro, Annelise Heinz, & Judith Raiskin. 

2022 On Wimmin’s Land, a panel discussion at the University of Oregon with Linda Long, Carol Newhouse, Rae Root, and Carmen Winant.

2015-2020 Cunt Art was the First Art, about vaginal iconography in early feminist art. Presented at California Institute of the Arts, Veggie Cloud, UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, and Williamette University-Pacific Northwest College of Art via Wikipedia’s Art+Feminism project.

2014-2016 Curator of Quarterly, an event series at Machine Project featuring talks by experts on curious topics—ice archives, the history of clapping, the properties of ‘bounce’—as well as the artworld’s first sports bar (large screens, beer, art videos about sports). 

2014 Co-Curator of My Atlas at Clockshop, seven public events about solo women travellers, each pairing a film with an essayist. 

2007-2009 Curator of Air Kissing: Contemporary Art about the Art World, a group exhibition about art world malaise. Presented at Momenta Art Gallery in 2007, Arcadia University Gallery in 2008, and Kran Film Collective in 2009, with associated events. Discussed and reviewed in ArtForum, Art News, and NY Arts Magazine. Artists included Alex Bag, Andrea Fraser, Lee Lozano, Dynasty Handbag, David Hammons, Carl Pope Jr., William Powhida, and many others. 

2007 Printed Tour Guide to Strip Clubs in Lower Manhattan, commissioned by Artists Space for PERFORMA and published in PERFORMA: New Visual Art Performance, ed. RoseLee Goldberg. 

2005 Co-curator of At the Mercy of Others: The Politics of Care, a group exhibition & event series at the City University New York Graduate Center about the power dynamics of care-based relationships. Artists included Eleanor Antin, AA Bronson, Sophie Calle, Alfredo Jaar, Mike Kelley, Annette Messager, Adrian Piper, and Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Events featured a talk by seabound abortion provider Women on Waves, Xaviera Simmons’s performance of Yoko Ono’s 1964 Cut Piece, and films by Frederick Wiseman and Ingmar Bergman. 

2003-2005, Project Director of the Robert Blanchon Estate Project at VisualAIDS, dedicated to preserving the legacy of a queer conceptual artist who died in 1999 of causes related to HIV. Accessioned by New York University’s Fales Library & Special Archives, and the subject of an exhibition and monograph.